Kapitol Gaming

Home of Team Hindsight

About Team Hindsight

We are a bunch of guys (and girls) who love playing ArmA 3 & DayZ, along with other action games.
 We will play almost any game mode - just as long as we all have fun.
 That is the key. No serious GI Joe stuff - just fun.

No team meetings, no clan get-togethers, no training events - just FUN!

If that sounds like your kind of action - jump on in and join us.

StandBy for Classic Kapitol Gaming Action from Team Hindsight!  
Well? What are you waiting for, join us and get down to business.

Game Servers

Connect to the KG Servers through your Steam Client.

DayZ Expansion Server

Battle the environment and Deadly AI.

Arma 3 Escape

Arma 3 action with this popular gameplay mode.


Use these links to enhance your gaming experience.


Stay in touch when you are in-game or get any assistance you need.


Join the live game action - OZPAX on twitch.

Kapitol Gaming 2024